1. The Value of Selecting the Correct Books
The right study materials must be chosen in order to succeed on any competitive exam. Quality books not only offer correct information but also aid in comprehending the format, content, and level of difficulty of exams.
2. Books to Read, Organized by Subject
General Reasoning & Intelligence
The book “Analytical Reasoning” by M.K.pandey
R.S. Aggarwal’s “Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning”
general awareness and knowledge
Binay Karna’s “Lucent’s General Knowledge”
Mammen Mathew’s book “Manorama Yearbook”
numerical aptitude
Rajesh Verma’s “Fast Track Objective Arithmetic”
R.S. Aggarwal’s “Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations”
Understanding English
S.P. Bakshi’s “Objective General English”
The book “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis